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Image by Tim Wildsmith

Mission Statement

With the Lord's grace  share the mission

  Jesus went up to his disciples and said, "All authority in heaven and on earth has been handed over to me. Therefore, go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, and teach them to obey what I command you. everything. Remember, I will be with you always, unto the end of the world.

Matthew 28:18-20

Every member of Huaxia Church is willing to be a disciple of the Lord and a witness of Jesus.

  • The Huaxia Christian Church in London has daily Bible reading and prayer meetings in the morning and evening;

  • There are discipleship classes, catechumen baptism classes, marriage classes, parent-child classes, etc. on weekends;

  • There are occasional baptisms every year.

  • There are groups according to geographical divisions, with deeper caring and shepherding,

  • Regular camps help brothers and sisters grow spiritually, there are sports meetings and outings to promote physical interaction;



London Huaxia Christian Church, Ray Lodge Road, Woodford, IG8 7NX.

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Welcome seekers and brothers and sisters to join our loving spiritual family!

Root down, bear fruit up

Copyright 2021 London Huaxia Christian Church  Charity Number: 1165159

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